Still not convinced by the replies (with all due respect).
I understand that we have to conform to new regs and requirements - and they say max heights of 0.45 and 1.2m for sockets and CU´s (centre of the CU). If we are providing new installations or new circuits or new extensions to circuits then they must conform (no matter the inconvenience).
There is probably a bit of connundrum here between Part P, Part M and the 17th? What does the 17th say on this?
no Dixon, sorry you are wrong
new circuits and new extensions do NOT need to conform
The approved documents to both Part M and Part P expressly say that; it is quite acceptable to mount them at a height inkeeping with the existing property
even in build it does not apply to the kitchen and garage
and part p and the 17th have nothing to do with each other!