Hi guys, I've got a client that has about 50 roofs to possibly get fitted with up to 10kW on each. He is concerned that he won't get them all done bfore April next year, is there any loop hole in the system that lets you say install 10% of a system and still apply for the 2011/2012 FIT ?
I've heard from one of our electricians that this may be possible as long as the complete system is finished within another 6 months .......... thus almost giving us and extra 6 months to get these 50 systems installed ................................ however, he can't remember where he heard this or read it !
Many thanks
I've heard from one of our electricians that this may be possible as long as the complete system is finished within another 6 months .......... thus almost giving us and extra 6 months to get these 50 systems installed ................................ however, he can't remember where he heard this or read it !
Many thanks