Well it appears I accidentally proved I can isolate my supply before the meter without breaking the seal.
Whilst cutting a small hole with a chisel onto the wooden boards near where the CU is mounted (yes, I know how that sounds - but I know exactly what is behind it and where, there was no risk I could have cut through anything) after about 7 or 8 taps with a hammer the lights went out (cue shocked yelling from my better half who knew where I was at the time!). I knew I hadn't hit anything and everything in the CU was still switched on.
Took me a few minutes to discover this surprise;
The fuse is sealed at the top only (there is a point to seal at the bottom, but this is unused) and clearly rather loosely ... the fuse carrier had bounced out of the cut out!
Needless to say I isolated everything and pushed it back in, but it surprises me it was that loose. It would certainly be possible to pull it further out, exposing live contacts, whilst it was still sealed..
I can't imagine it would be a problem again (not planning on making any more holes in boards over there and if I did i'd probably tape it in with something first) but am I right in thinking this should be a tighter fit (or a tighter seal) ?
Whilst cutting a small hole with a chisel onto the wooden boards near where the CU is mounted (yes, I know how that sounds - but I know exactly what is behind it and where, there was no risk I could have cut through anything) after about 7 or 8 taps with a hammer the lights went out (cue shocked yelling from my better half who knew where I was at the time!). I knew I hadn't hit anything and everything in the CU was still switched on.
Took me a few minutes to discover this surprise;
The fuse is sealed at the top only (there is a point to seal at the bottom, but this is unused) and clearly rather loosely ... the fuse carrier had bounced out of the cut out!
Needless to say I isolated everything and pushed it back in, but it surprises me it was that loose. It would certainly be possible to pull it further out, exposing live contacts, whilst it was still sealed..
I can't imagine it would be a problem again (not planning on making any more holes in boards over there and if I did i'd probably tape it in with something first) but am I right in thinking this should be a tighter fit (or a tighter seal) ?
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