Regardless of how complicated or simplistic this is there is the issue you are upgrading the control system to a machine and with that comes personal responsibility, additional insurance cover requirements and a full documented risk assessment, also you will need to provide an updated wiring schematic for the new control additions as well as complying to the relevant regulations like the BS 60204-1 (2018), if you are on the ball already with all the above then fine and I will be happy to advise otherwise I would take a serious step back and think about it before doing any such work.
I would also question how controlling the compressor via daylight/darkness triggers is going to be practical. What about seasonal variations and the fact you gain and loose an hour during the year, are we to believe they only work until it gets dark?
He needs to buy a clip board and have a selected member of staff sign it off on his exit that a checklist has been done before leaving which would include switching of the compressor, I have been on over a thousand sites in my time and I have not heard about anyone having to put additional controls to a compressor due to staff incompetence, he needs to toughen up and be a boss, a clip board is vastly cheaper than upgrading the compressor controls and also he may gain a little more respect as a boss if he is seen to put his foot down.
Just my opinion on the info' provided, it just seems like the cart is leading the horse here when you have to make such decisions due to incompetent staff.