Just a word of warning to any one thinking of buying the above. Mine just failed calibration due to incorrect readings and being unable to adjust it to what it should be.
I rang Dilog calibration and they said that particular model was indeed not adjustable. So given the very low value readings it records it is a bit stupid that it can't be calibrated to what it should be.
Mine was rarely used, is a mere two years old and was protected from knocks really well.
I blame Eng54 wholly and completely as it was one of his posts from a while back that finally sold it to me!
I rang Dilog calibration and they said that particular model was indeed not adjustable. So given the very low value readings it records it is a bit stupid that it can't be calibrated to what it should be.
Mine was rarely used, is a mere two years old and was protected from knocks really well.
I blame Eng54 wholly and completely as it was one of his posts from a while back that finally sold it to me!