Hi Warren,
Thanks for your reply, at the moment I've got to say that I'm confused. On one hand you have so called approved courses offering "Full Electrical Contractor Qualification" both distance or cram, if you pay their course fees, while on the other hand you have colleges offering C & G 2330 as the best way forward.
In my current situation I can't afford the two to three years to go through the college and can only just afford the cost of the training company’s fees if I go that route. I have a substantial amount of experience gained over the years mainly through studying books and using automotive electrics training and experience to work on my own houses, but I recognise and respect the need to be properly trained.
My puzzle really is; are qualifications gained through these training companies accepted in the trade and if so are there any particularly good companies worth contacting. I'm based in the midlands and it seems that there are an overwhelming number of courses on offer, but yet when I read some of the posts on this forum it appears that seasoned electricians do not recognise qualifications form these courses.
Not wishing to sound big headed, I have considerable experience and training on automotive and forklift DC electrics and Ohm's Law, use of test meters for voltage and continuity testing as well as clamp meters for current testing are all second nature. Although my use of Meggers is pretty limited. In addition, as you might expect I've "got a pair of hands" as some might say and have used most tools in my time.
The problem is that having followed a management career route, in more recent years I'm finding that opportunities are getting fewer and the spectre of redundancy ever closer. Having said that, I'm fed up to the back teeth with sitting in an office at a PC and really want to get back to working with my hands and preferably for myself.
I have noticed a course offered by OLCI in Birmingham which is a distance learning course for C & G 2330, which this is the same as that offered by colleges. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with them, good or bad?