Tel has hit the nail on the head really.
If you Ins Res a circuit, you will get a good result even if there is a break in the circuit, as it will only test up to the point of the break.
So you carry out continuity, usually R1+R2 method, to confirm that the circuit is continuous.
If you are working on a ring, then you would follow this by doing Ring continuity.
Then you would IR the circuit.
Dead test completed.
Job done.
I would advise you get hold of IET Guidance note 3, it explains in simple to understand terms with illustration etc all things testing, and will pay for itself in no time. Even the experts and more experienced of us who do this day in and day out, and in my case i teach it, there isn't a week goes by where i don't need to refer to GN3, and I've been doing this all my life.