I have a main earthing senario, cant veryfy the earth without getting into the house next, as the main earth comes from next door.
Its either a TNs or TNC-s. The question then lies as I am unable to find anything in the regs, can I install an earth rod to a garage supply and still utilise the existing earth supply in the property.
I thought I read somewhere that this was acceptable, due to possibilities of losing the earth via TNC-s due to neautral earth senario, but also recommended for TN-s as it will help with lower Zs readings.
Does anyone have experience of this and can someone verify if this is acceptable.
I am also debating on just running an additional TT from the house now, in 16mm just because I cant get into next door.
Any help and advice would be much appreciated..
I have a main earthing senario, cant veryfy the earth without getting into the house next, as the main earth comes from next door.
Its either a TNs or TNC-s. The question then lies as I am unable to find anything in the regs, can I install an earth rod to a garage supply and still utilise the existing earth supply in the property.
I thought I read somewhere that this was acceptable, due to possibilities of losing the earth via TNC-s due to neautral earth senario, but also recommended for TN-s as it will help with lower Zs readings.
Does anyone have experience of this and can someone verify if this is acceptable.
I am also debating on just running an additional TT from the house now, in 16mm just because I cant get into next door.
Any help and advice would be much appreciated..