OK, went to do a PIR today, newish house, wired to 16th edition. Checked Gas bond, OK, checked water bond, not present. Upon further inspection, the only metal pipework is where the stop tap is and the plubing for the kitchen sink, from there its plastic through the house apart from in the airing cupboard (metal pipework but plastic to all rads) and a bit of metal pipework in the Bathroom.
What coding should I give, Personally if I had wired it, I'd put a main bond to the water stop tap, then supplimentary bonding at the boiler and airing cupboard because of all the plastic everywhere.
I'm thinking of giving it a code 2, but what remidial work would you recommend to put it right?
Cheers all.
What coding should I give, Personally if I had wired it, I'd put a main bond to the water stop tap, then supplimentary bonding at the boiler and airing cupboard because of all the plastic everywhere.
I'm thinking of giving it a code 2, but what remidial work would you recommend to put it right?
Cheers all.