ive been an electrician for 15 yrs, I never officially finished my apprentiship all but AM2. ive always managed to find work and have amassed a lot of glowing references. Im currently solar installer working all over the country , I now want to settle in manchester. The problem im faced with is everyone wants ecs or cscs card. obviously I want to do the am2 and get the top card but thats gonna take time and money. is there a temporary card I can get etc?
I like to think im a bloody good spark, but gone are the days of proving your worth. a new qualified spark fresh outta college , on paper is better qualified and stands a better chance of a job than me. its annoying.
I like to think im a bloody good spark, but gone are the days of proving your worth. a new qualified spark fresh outta college , on paper is better qualified and stands a better chance of a job than me. its annoying.