We have started a rewire of a property and discovered the property is unearthed, it is supposed to be a TNS system but there is no earth connection coming off the sheath.
So we reported it to EDF and the very nice lady said they would get somebody out in 3 to 4 weeks to survey the reported problem. we strongly suggested that they should get this done as an urgent matter.
It cut no ice "we dont know what the problem is" she said, "i have just explained it" I said. We need to get it surveyed to check you are correct.
4 weeks later a spotty 20 yr old oik turned up and informed us we had no earth and would book it in for about 3 weeks time.
Do they completely work to their own rules?
Maybe in the Oiks defence, we had installed the new consumer unit and converted it to TT to cover ourselves, but quite honestly they couldnt have given a monkeys
So we reported it to EDF and the very nice lady said they would get somebody out in 3 to 4 weeks to survey the reported problem. we strongly suggested that they should get this done as an urgent matter.
It cut no ice "we dont know what the problem is" she said, "i have just explained it" I said. We need to get it surveyed to check you are correct.
4 weeks later a spotty 20 yr old oik turned up and informed us we had no earth and would book it in for about 3 weeks time.
Do they completely work to their own rules?
Maybe in the Oiks defence, we had installed the new consumer unit and converted it to TT to cover ourselves, but quite honestly they couldnt have given a monkeys