Any general purpose socket circuit has the same potential for overload. A twin socket on a 16A MCB could be overloaded the same way.
Commando sockets don't draw more current, they load connected to them draws the current.
Maybe I'm looking at it differently because it's perfectly normal for us to install 13A, 15A and 16A outlets on the same circuit.
I agree. However General purpose sockets do get overloaded. Extension leads get overloaded. Worse case scenario an overload that isnt enough to trip the ocpd and create a fire hazard. It does happen. We all design circuits to prevent overload or minimise it to short durations.
In my head a 16amp commando is to supply a piece of equipment that is potentially gonna draw more than 13amps....hence why its not on a 13amp plug top.
Put that load on a 16amp mcb. Along with a tea urn... etc etc. The mcb could be operating above its 'designed' loading due to additions over time.