Hi all.
I am in the middle of reviewing some fairly large EICR's - colleges and schools etc - and the condition report inspection schedule as per Appendix 6 has been used.
It's not been used properly as a lot of it has been N/A'd when clearly it shouldn't have.
Anyway's my query is this, for larger installations that are bigger than the EICR inspection schedule claims to be for (domestic and similar up to 100A), do you still use this document or do you not use a schedule at all as the IET have suggested. Or have you created your own?
This is from the wiring matters magazine
I am in the middle of reviewing some fairly large EICR's - colleges and schools etc - and the condition report inspection schedule as per Appendix 6 has been used.
It's not been used properly as a lot of it has been N/A'd when clearly it shouldn't have.
Anyway's my query is this, for larger installations that are bigger than the EICR inspection schedule claims to be for (domestic and similar up to 100A), do you still use this document or do you not use a schedule at all as the IET have suggested. Or have you created your own?
This is from the wiring matters magazine
This particular schedule is aimed at smaller electrical installations such as domestic and small commercial type premises where the supply is rated no more than 100 A single-phase or three-phase.
Originally the intention was to have a series of schedules aimed at larger installations to complement this schedule; however, the comments from industry during the DPC period voiced concerns over the amount of paperwork that could be generated if this approach was adopted.
Therefore, the decision was taken to only have the domestic and similar schedule.
For larger installation arrangements a list of example items requiring inspection has been included in Appendix 6.
The intention is for this list to be used as the basis of the inspection for a larger installation arrangement. The key difference being no dedicated schedule is provided.
This will need to be agreed between the client and person doing the work as to how the inspection aspect is documented.