A coil of wire produces a moving magnetic field, and a moving magnetic field induces a voltage which works against the current supplying it, known as 'back emf'.
Rather than 'giving electricity back to the supply' it is really working against it which would cause the appliance to use more power - a phenomenon known as LENZ's law (had to check the spelling because I dropped a clangar when trying to explain kirchhoff's law), otherwise known as the 'law of self-destruction'.
This effectively adds an impedance to the circuit, known as 'Inductive Reactance' (XL).
This effect is countered by installing a capacitor in parallel with the terminals of, say, a motor or fluorescent light fitting; an effect known as 'Capacitive Reactance' (XC). In factories where there are a lot of motors the capacitors are banked together near the point of supply, and cut in as and when they are needed.
If a circuit has more of either Inductive or Capacitive reactance it is said to have a low 'Power Factor'.
Think of 4 people trying to push a broken down car - the most efficient way is for all 4 to push in the same direction, but if one decided to try pushing against the other 3, the car would still move but they would have to work harder.
If you're at college your tutors will go over it in the 2nd year. Don't worry if like me you haven't got a scooby what they're on about to start with - you don't really need it until the 3rd year exam.