can i just start by saying that when you are an apprentice that you are only as good as the people that train you ,,, you can only learn so much at college or tech the rest is learn or not learned on the job..... Employers need to invest more time and money into proper training of there apprentices.....
I tend to agree with this. My apprenticeship was largely a waste of time, pretty much soley being used as cheap labour for installation work. Now I struggle with some of the fault finding as I never gained the experience and it wasn't through lack of interest on my part.
The majority of the sparks where I work don't bother looking for drawings as they know they're out of date or missing, unfortunately the management couldn't care less as it's not them that'll be struggling in the middle of the night to sort out any problems.
Oh and I agree about the A4 drawings, the majority of ours are on massive sheets, granted they're mostly useless, but it's much easier to work through a circuit when it's all in front of you rather than flicking here and there all the time.
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