talking of drawings, im currently doing an evening class in CAD, and have 2006 at home. Does anybody have the electrical add ins, or a site where i can get them?
schneider website has most symbols and 3d models of components and rs website has a lot of 3d models of components
i also hate the guessing game. if i had a pound for everytime the apprentice used to guess and wasnt shown how to read drawings and work through a problem id be retired now (at 30 years old) I've now got 2 apprentices working in my dept. and have set up a training system for them because nobody seems to care if they can do the job or not. ive startred from the basics of using multimeters and reading drawings progressing through contactors relays and components, to plc's and nc diagnostics with their final project to pick a small machine and retro fit it (either actually doing the job and taking machine out of service for a bit or just drawings and programs and method statement which can be used to do the machine at a later date) my 3rd year apprentice has worked with me for 10 - 12 months and is now confident of going onto minor / medium breakdowns and sorting them himself sometimes with a little help but thats only to be expected. i just think if people have the knowledge and skills then share it with the apprentices / young lads