Each day anyone can post a new electrical word or phrase with a brief description for it. This is not restricted to only one a day by the way, more the merrier. If a debate starts up and looks like it may over run this thread please start a new thread for that subject to keep this one clean and easy to follow for other members in time to come.
Band I & Band II Circuits.
Band I are SELV, PELV, telecommunications, data and signalling not exceeding 50V ac or 120V dc.
Band II is 51V ac - 1000V ac (low voltage) or 121V dc - 1500V dc. (look up ref 7.4.1 OSG)
When installing band I and II cables we have to keep them separated. This can be achieved by a distance of 50mm or having them in separate compartments (trunking/conduit etc). We can also achieve electrical separation by the use of "an earthed metallic barrier" or a none conductive barrier (bit of plastic lol). This will prevent mains voltage appearing in Band I cables. Also prevents Band I signal cables from having their data stream interrupted, eg My house! TV installer (before we bought the house) ran his TV coax under the floor void and cable tied it to the 6mm T&E cooker circuit. Every time the oven was turned on the TV signal got a bit scrambled!!!
Well that is a good bit of info to get this started, who will be next?
Band I & Band II Circuits.
Band I are SELV, PELV, telecommunications, data and signalling not exceeding 50V ac or 120V dc.
Band II is 51V ac - 1000V ac (low voltage) or 121V dc - 1500V dc. (look up ref 7.4.1 OSG)
When installing band I and II cables we have to keep them separated. This can be achieved by a distance of 50mm or having them in separate compartments (trunking/conduit etc). We can also achieve electrical separation by the use of "an earthed metallic barrier" or a none conductive barrier (bit of plastic lol). This will prevent mains voltage appearing in Band I cables. Also prevents Band I signal cables from having their data stream interrupted, eg My house! TV installer (before we bought the house) ran his TV coax under the floor void and cable tied it to the 6mm T&E cooker circuit. Every time the oven was turned on the TV signal got a bit scrambled!!!
Well that is a good bit of info to get this started, who will be next?
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