Oooh, thank you, thank you mister @
marconi , always nice to hear from you ! Hello from Romania and a very good year 2022 from me to you, with dedication ! Haha. I always love your involvement and your spirit !
I cannot help though worrying whether you check wires are safe before touching them and what you use to do that. is how I did it:
- Yes, I was equipped from my home with a longass wire cord, actually I had 4 extension cables, but sum up to 14meters. I actually measured them with my reel meter. And they were a bit heavy for my comfort to transport. I planned to use this very long wire, to check continuity in the wall wires. Basically from 1 end of the appartment to another end of the appartment. But it didnt come to this last extreme measure, because I used my old and trusty DMM (digital multimeter) to check if alternative voltage is present at the wall socket contacts. And it was. So that told me the wire inside the wall is well and fine, no need to touch it in any perverted way, like that other guy suggested before me. What a shitbrain that guy. It really annoyed me. For one moment, from my friend and his mother explanations, they really made me believe that is ---the same--- problem for each electric socket in the house, doesn't matter where you plug something in which socket, that power socket will burst in flames and sparks and loud sounds, and they all very afraid of this invisible dragon inside their electrical sockets. This is their ways of explaining the problem in the very beginning, and for a moment I thought, the proverbial "what the hell"? Really? That was the moment that I start to write here on this forum with my OQ (Original Question). That's the price that you pay when you are too trusty and actually believe every word your stupid friend is telling you. He is an electrical moron in general (but not only electrical). So based on his "best explanation" of the situation, I told him, it must be from a certain consumer, but he keep saying "no,no, its the same everywhere"... and that was extremely intriguing for me especially, because I am not a certified or even schooled electrician, I am a hobby electrician, its the stuff I know on the side of my usual stuff, and I know I dont know everything, so I consider it a very good lesson to get into it, very intriguing problem - now, in retrospect, I am a bit dissapointed of the real cause, I really wished it was like I believed in the begining, that every power socket in the house will get kaboom. Haha. Here is a funny episode, I was so entuziastic on the problem, that when I stepped into their house, I asked which is the principal problem socket and his mother pointed me "that one" and I put the washing machine in the socket to see for myself when and how is making the kaboom, and of course it didnt do anything, but his mother was all "no,no, it will go in flames, kaboom" while hugging the other wall and watching me from behind it, only her eyes were visible. Haha. Woman's, they panic easily, right? Haha.
So this was my very cheap and efficient way of diagnosing and solving the problem.
There is plenty of advice available from people in the EF on the best way to check using which devices.
Yes, I am all ears! I am very curious how you guys were diagnosing this issue, especially in the beginning, when you were believing your stupid friend that ---every socket in the house--- has the same problem as he insistently repeated to you. I am more curious what is your routine, dont invent something that you dont use, just tell me
-what you usually do with what you have. Also what you wish to have more that what you already have.
Anyway - I wondered if you had an update on your interesting wings project?
(thank you for the expression "
dogged determination" explanation) - I really had no idea of its existence and usage. And is a bit strange how it sounds. I am
-literally- reading it, not contextual, so that's the hard part for me. Even with your examples from the link, still, weird for me.
- Yes, my led wings project... Very beautiful, right? .... I am sorry to cut the last time conversation with you. I notice you continued to build something further. Please show me.
- At this point, my led wings project is official closed. In the sense that yes, is still IN USE, still working, and proudly I am bragging: without any errors or problems of absolutely any kind along this time. I am also still using the same remote control with the same battery in it, and I am smiling every time I am remotely closing my room light from my chair. Aaaah. Life. Haha. Extremely practical and nice to look at, especially when is my own work, my own baby.
The only issue I still have, is it's temperature dependent sensitivity and also its sphere of sensing around the antenna.
By "temperature dependent sensitivity" I mean that --only-- in the middle of the summer, june-july, when its very hot atmosphere and also very dry air, this circuit is Hyper-Sensitive. I added a potentiometer to dial down and up specifically its sensibility. My American friend on the other forum was laughing back then when we were in the flames of the project, he thought I will dial that potentiometer every time the temperature is changing, but that was how he was imagining. In reality, ONLY in the very and most hot days is too damn sensitive. The rest of the time, like 95% of the entire year, I dial its sensitivity in the middle, and now in the winter, I increase its sensitivity. But if you count how many times you have to deal with that potentiometer in a year, its exactly when the season is changing, like 2 or 3 times per year, which is very acceptable. For me it is. I dont mind. I do have a wicked idea to use a PIC mcu... but I had some problems on the PIC forums, I mean in a sense I managed to gather the most that I was interested, but in general, unsatisfied of the evolution that happened there. Those guys that are saying they 'help you', they are making fun in reality from a guy like me, that wants to learn more in depth the misteries of the PIC. I remained with a VERY bitter taste from the discussion with them. Maybe I am the only one who get it wrong like that with them, but it was not fair. Anyway.... the full side of the glass, i'ts good what I manage to get from them, at least. So... yes, it might be a solution to even bypass the potentiometer manual dialing, and automate completly temperature sensitivity normalization functionability of the circuit. Ghhh, not my best english but it will have to do. Haha.
Im already explaining too much and too many... sorry for the long thing. Thank you for reading !