Thanks we currently have 15 licences of Amtech v2008 and have been using this well without having to buy updates or support for the last 4 years. Amtech has had its issues in the past but as were moving to all electronic certs its good and works well and it was one of the first to let you do so. We carry out approx 1200 domestic and 100 commercial tests and I'm looking to increasing this so its vital i get the best. Restore - export is vital as the QS has to input all the zips. After 2008 Amtech changed their data base configuration, so you cant reatore an old reoprt into a new verion of Amtech ( amtech say you can but have yet to show me how and are avoiding the question) As you know buildings need retesting so say large schools save lots of time if you can restore that data in....not results though !!
Currently there is a standard 6 page periodic but there also a domestic periodic 3 page, for the new ECIR I've only seen the 9 page version to replace the 6 page PIR no domestic yet.
I dont like the NICEIC Clik as you still pay for serial numbers ...why? plus we spend far too much with them and now moving to MCS we will be spending even more!!!