Absolutely amazing!!! So being a member of a scam scheme provider is deemed to be a qualified electrician?? All of which are chock-a-block full of electrical trainee wonders and now 17 day wonders!! lol!!
And your even sending off your qualifications to this company to be approved, ...now how sad is That!!!
Still think that Joe Public owes electricians a living i see, well they don't!! And you'll ALL rue the day that electrical materials become a closed shop. Because from that moment on, material costs will escalate to a point where Joe Public will just stop employing electricians and will either bodge, fix or make do with what they have....
Start using a bit of common sense for a change and see that Joe Public are a big slice of your bread and butter, they come to you when they cock-up, or find they are out of there depth. And some do a dammed sight better job of there home electrics, than those that only think they are electricians...
You can thank your lucky stars, that the sheds and other successful electrical outlets will never allow you to interfere with there profits!!
You can just write any quals you can dream up in an email to Electricfix/Screwfix and you're in!
No proof needed. It's all just a bit of a farse really!
Maybe, ... but what's the betting there are some daft people that WILL actually send this company copies ...lol!!!
Well if one has paid several £1000s for them they may as well make use of them...
Just shows how much they are worth these days then, ....doesn't it!! ...lol!!!
Tool station is a mickey mouse outfit, they are cheaper because 9/10 the are supplying inferior brands! Ie: monument vs rothenberger.
Ok, it's not scam membership that counts, that's just one way in. You can show your scam membership, you can show any relevant C&G quals or similar, or if your part of the farce that's the JIB, then you can show your precious JIB card!. It's like everything you just have to be selective about what you buy, some things are cheap, some not!. Tool station is a mickey mouse outfit, they are cheaper because 9/10 the are supplying inferior brands! Ie: monument vs rothenberger.
Tlc is not cheap at all!!, my normal local wholesaler in brum, SND, blow them out the water. But I still buy my consumables from electrifix. And I get my own little door to go in that only sparks and plumbers are allowed into!, so no joe public and his stupid questions!!, it is what it is, and to be fair even though it's not super cheap and doesn't have some of the essential brands such as Aico and Wago, I like it!, and to be fair to them and their directors, this is what I hear most on this forum banging on about, how they want special concessions/ prices/ treatment well this is the one big company that offers it, and they are open Sundays and bank holidays. We should all use them now and again, or they will withdraw the service, I assume it wasn't cheap putting in the trade counters. Oh and as for them not being cheap.........did no one else make use of the deal last week??, 50x Crabtree double sockets for £70??
Reply to the thread, titled "Electrifix" which is posted in UK Electrical Forum on Electricians Forums.