This is a subject that is under debate on other mediums at the moment, there are at present flaws in the EPC that need to be sorted out.
Here is how I see it, if you need lighting in a cow shed then I would recommend a second meter as this is business related, if you require no heating in said cow shed and lighting is for a limited time then EPC should be fine. Under European directive the chicken shed, cow shed, etc. do not come under EPC ruling however I have heard a rumor the DECC is trying to change that.
The fact is this, if you have a separate meter in an agricultural building where it is impossible to carry out an EPC rating then that building AND supply is exempt, however as said before if the supply of the array is going directly to a domestic dwelling then the EPC is based on the dwelling it feeds.
Please remember though that the EPC can, as far as I am aware, be finalised after the solar photovoltaic array has been installed. Do not get excited this does not raise your EPC as much as you would think.
My perfect example is if you have a commercial log store which requires no heating and a single light bulb which will be used very rarely, how could you ascertain an EPC on that, considering EPC normally only cover "buildings Habitual By Humans"
I would also like to think there is issues with leasing of airspace over rooftops that could be brought into question,, but probably not at this moment.
My opinion if you are close to a transformer stick another meter in for your (possible) commercial activities, if need be lease the roof from the commercial aspect of your business.