First do not try using software on a 64 bit software like windows 8 or 10.
Best software is xp or windows 7 in 32bit mode. you will need a usb with ttl conversion built in, so you will need the buy the advanced lead. A straight usb lead will not work.
once the lead driver is installed, used windows control panel, and find com ports in device list, check what port the usb advanced lead is on. then in Advanced config software change com port to the same number.
DO NOT USE FLASH PROGRAM, if no hex file has been installed, you will wipe all operating software in the panel.
Best software is xp or windows 7 in 32bit mode. you will need a usb with ttl conversion built in, so you will need the buy the advanced lead. A straight usb lead will not work.
once the lead driver is installed, used windows control panel, and find com ports in device list, check what port the usb advanced lead is on. then in Advanced config software change com port to the same number.
DO NOT USE FLASH PROGRAM, if no hex file has been installed, you will wipe all operating software in the panel.