"Solar Gold Rush" - it's not a bad return though.
System say cost 12,000.
Assume we stuck £12,100 in a savings account instead of paying for a shiny new solar array. With compound interest, lets say 4% AER, after 25 yrs we have ~£31,990 in our saving pot.
Or instead we stuck a shiny 4Kw array on our roof prior to Monday for £12,000 . This generates 3650KwH / year = £1580 / year. Add £23 for 3p for 50% export. £1603 / year in income (ignore any 'leccy savings or increase in FiT rate). We're good and stick our payments into a savings account, lets say paying 4% AER. After 25yrs we have ~68,200-£1,000 for the replacement inverter we had to pay for. We have £67,200 in the pot. Some £35,000 more than above.
OK in the second example for the first ~10yrs our original 12,000 was locked way on the roof and couldn't be withdrawn if needed. But then watching money accumulate in a savings account isn't quite as much fun as watching the KwH accumulate :smile5: