Hi guys,
Whats the score with the current FIT rate for a renovation project?? this guys is still paying the bills and its his second home. 43.3p?
Also another guy, a new build, ( knock down and rebuilt), I asked him if its occupied he said yes as he stays there when he's off the Oil rigs. Will the FIT Company ask for evidence of occupancy? if so what they after a bill?? bank statement?
Trying to find info on the energysavingtrust website, if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.
Whats the score with the current FIT rate for a renovation project?? this guys is still paying the bills and its his second home. 43.3p?
Also another guy, a new build, ( knock down and rebuilt), I asked him if its occupied he said yes as he stays there when he's off the Oil rigs. Will the FIT Company ask for evidence of occupancy? if so what they after a bill?? bank statement?
Trying to find info on the energysavingtrust website, if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.