I use FP600 SWA a lot and it's a bit of a bitch to make off, plus there is a fibrous fabric layer used in two places within the cable which, when cut (as one has to do to terminate) liberates into the atmosphere tiny fibreglass-style strands, which irritate like hell once they settle on skin (open pores, due to sweating and grunting). I always use good quality (cut resistant) gloves and long-sleeved garments when performing these operations, but these blooming strands still get through. They are a particular nuisance on my face and neck. Combined with the unfriendliness of FP600 relating to forming bends (it wrinkles easily because of it's many layers) and the subsequent need to fit larger sizes of tray to accommodate any of the said bends I am seriously thinking of going back to MICC, which has the outstanding fire rating, takes a higher load per mm sq and (o.k. I haven't looked) may well cost the same or less than the FP. The typical situation I use FP600 for is sprinkler pump (motor/star-delta) supplies in life-safety prescribed systems. Any thoughts?