Baxi have now replied. They say (as Snowhead says) that as this is an appliance, it does not come under the juristriction of the IEE regs. They have however agreed to errors in their circuit diagrams which I had pointed out and state they will amend
their diagrams. I still think fusing the neutral is a bad idea. In reply to darkwood, my main concern is that if a neutral fuse or
circuit breaker disconnects, the appliance may appear dead whilst still having 230 volts across it. Also as no load is being carried by the appliance, there will be no volt-drop. This results in all neutral connections within the appliance becoming live between neutral and Earth.:icon13:
their diagrams. I still think fusing the neutral is a bad idea. In reply to darkwood, my main concern is that if a neutral fuse or
circuit breaker disconnects, the appliance may appear dead whilst still having 230 volts across it. Also as no load is being carried by the appliance, there will be no volt-drop. This results in all neutral connections within the appliance becoming live between neutral and Earth.:icon13: