i've done 50 installs so far but all single phase, domestics which come in the 'fit and inform' category.
Now I've had a tentative question about putting 6kw on a block of flats, all under the landlords supply.
What i've not really got my head around is, can you go above the 3.6/4kw limits as long as you apply via the G59, or is it an absolute no no and we'd have to go to more than one of their phases?
How long does it take for the G59 agreement to come back? Is it a formality or a chance that the board say no.
Any pointers in the right direction woudl be good as I'm getting a call shortly and want to start off in the right direction.
thanks in advance.
i've done 50 installs so far but all single phase, domestics which come in the 'fit and inform' category.
Now I've had a tentative question about putting 6kw on a block of flats, all under the landlords supply.
What i've not really got my head around is, can you go above the 3.6/4kw limits as long as you apply via the G59, or is it an absolute no no and we'd have to go to more than one of their phases?
How long does it take for the G59 agreement to come back? Is it a formality or a chance that the board say no.
Any pointers in the right direction woudl be good as I'm getting a call shortly and want to start off in the right direction.
thanks in advance.