Afternoon All,
I have to run a supply to a garage in a house I am working on at the moment. There is already 6mm SWA running to the garage from the kitchen at the back of the house. It was terminated into an old rewireable 1 way fuseboard in the kitchen. The SWA is running under the patio and then under the decking into the garage and I was going to utilise this but am now thinking about just running 2.5mm T&E from a non RCD position on the board straight through under the floorboards to the back of the house and then linking there to 2.5mm SWA and running that in conduit to an RCD enclosure in the garage. Any thoughts on the above would be much appreciated as I want this job spot as it will be used for assessment.
I have to run a supply to a garage in a house I am working on at the moment. There is already 6mm SWA running to the garage from the kitchen at the back of the house. It was terminated into an old rewireable 1 way fuseboard in the kitchen. The SWA is running under the patio and then under the decking into the garage and I was going to utilise this but am now thinking about just running 2.5mm T&E from a non RCD position on the board straight through under the floorboards to the back of the house and then linking there to 2.5mm SWA and running that in conduit to an RCD enclosure in the garage. Any thoughts on the above would be much appreciated as I want this job spot as it will be used for assessment.