First of all the size af the geney makes a difference.
Larger geneys (usually above 10KVA) will have N&E joined at the alternator box providing you with a TN-C-S connection which obviously changes the earthing arrangements.
Smaller units are generally TN-S configured (star point connected to chassis) as you are running a 3rd wire in your sub-main, this is where additional earth rods are needed to reference the framework to earth to enable operation of geney protection. If you cant get rods in due to ground conditions etc, you can alter the connection to provide a TN-C-S connection to make the geneys protection work.
Like I said depending on the size of the geney it may/may not have these connections, if it was a hired unit then there may be warning stickers plastered all over it telling you if the frame needs earthing, hence you'll know what system you're using TN-S or TN-C-S.
Personally I always try get a rod in somewhere regardless.
As for certification I would say an EIC would be required, usung the generator details as supply characteristics and documenting the distribution circuit. Does the cabin come pre-wired???