They've got a few different circuits supplied from a separate CU in the shed, all protected behind a single RCD. Controlled by a 6 way switch in the house.
There's one circuit which trips the whole outdoor installation, which is basically 2 flood lights. Initially they turn on, but shortly afterwards the RCD goes.
I'm thinking this is an insulation resistance issue between Phase to Earth or Neutral to Earth but will need to test this to confirm. Though it might just be an issue with water ingress, causing the insulation resistance issue. Does that sound about right?
Since it's an RCD protected circuit, I assume I'll need to remove Ph & N and join together in a choc-bloc or in a croc-clip and test between here and earth, is that right?
I'll have my GN3 and Onsite guide etc, but just wanted to run it by you all first...
I'll appreciate your comments.
There's one circuit which trips the whole outdoor installation, which is basically 2 flood lights. Initially they turn on, but shortly afterwards the RCD goes.
I'm thinking this is an insulation resistance issue between Phase to Earth or Neutral to Earth but will need to test this to confirm. Though it might just be an issue with water ingress, causing the insulation resistance issue. Does that sound about right?
Since it's an RCD protected circuit, I assume I'll need to remove Ph & N and join together in a choc-bloc or in a croc-clip and test between here and earth, is that right?
I'll have my GN3 and Onsite guide etc, but just wanted to run it by you all first...
I'll appreciate your comments.
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