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Good Morning Thread - Come say good morning, tell us what you've got on today. :)

Discuss Good Morning Thread - Come say good morning, tell us what you've got on today. :) in the The Electrical Exchange area at

We have this thread on and it's just been restarted because the old thread had 20,000 replies and 500,000 views. And there were 700 pages. Started to lag a bit on slow connections.

I think we had a bash of this before, but I can't find the thread, so thought I'd start another one off.

If you have time in the mornings, come post in the thread before you head off to work, let us know what you've got on and what the weather is like in your area etc. Anything at all is fine. :)

Posts and likes get counted towards your total stats in this thread.


View attachment 53708
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Whoever said Eggs where fast food, most hens lay overnight whilst they are roosting so collection in the morning for breakfast is normal.
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Morning all, looks like everyone had an alright weekend judging by the posts!

I didn't do much, Dan has gone to help a friend pick up a car from Liverpool this morning so I am on my own for a bit - which is ok by me - I can watch all my true crime stuff whilst I am doing work!

I guess I'm the boss for a bit hahaha ooooh the power!!
If someone else wrote this, I would think they're making it up. My daughter has just rung up and said she's in A&E with our youngest grandchild. She wants us to pick up his brother from school, then go to A&E, look after younger child while she goes off with older child to beavers (mini scouts) club.
That will be Thursday, Friday and Monday I've spent in A&E, with the Saturday and Sunday in between spent in the main hospital.
If someone else wrote this, I would think they're making it up. My daughter has just rung up and said she's in A&E with our youngest grandchild. She wants us to pick up his brother from school, then go to A&E, look after younger child while she goes off with older child to beavers (mini scouts) club.
That will be Thursday, Friday and Monday I've spent in A&E, with the Saturday and Sunday in between spent in the main hospital.

Hope everyone is OK Brian.
Youngest was with his useless excuse for a father over the weekend, and came back from nursery with a plaster on his head. When his mother removed it, it exposed what can only be described (I've seen a pic.) as a hole in his head, so off she went.
All happened more than 24 hours ago, and he's not showing any ill effects, but definitely needs professional attention.
Youngest was with his useless excuse for a father over the weekend, and came back from nursery with a plaster on his head. When his mother removed it, it exposed what can only be described (I've seen a pic.) as a hole in his head, so off she went.
All happened more than 24 hours ago, and he's not showing any ill effects, but definitely needs professional attention.
Sounds like it’s the father who has the hole in the head

Reply to Good Morning Thread - Come say good morning, tell us what you've got on today. :) in the The Electrical Exchange area at


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