Hey there,
I recently moved into my new home which is entirely lit by 50 watt GU10 halogen spotlights, though I am gradually purchasing LED equivalents whenever money can be spared due to the fantastic efficiency.
Last night I switched on the livingroom lights which is lit by a total of 8 spotlights, one of them instantly exploded with a bright blue flash and sent shards of glass all over the room.
My knowledge of these bulbs isn't great, so I'd like a little help understanding why that would have happened without a power surge or any other obvious problem.
Frankly, I soiled my pants and I'm terrified to turn them off again through fear of it happening again.
I recently moved into my new home which is entirely lit by 50 watt GU10 halogen spotlights, though I am gradually purchasing LED equivalents whenever money can be spared due to the fantastic efficiency.
Last night I switched on the livingroom lights which is lit by a total of 8 spotlights, one of them instantly exploded with a bright blue flash and sent shards of glass all over the room.
My knowledge of these bulbs isn't great, so I'd like a little help understanding why that would have happened without a power surge or any other obvious problem.
Frankly, I soiled my pants and I'm terrified to turn them off again through fear of it happening again.