Your self certification scheme normally states that you must have a Health and Safety Policy. However if you are a sole trader then they will probably not worry about it, I have been asked for it once but on other occasions I have been told, "health and safety policy, its only you so you don't need it".
If you were to gain work from large organisation they may ask what you do to control Health and safety and if you have one then this is useful, but generally, make sure you and others around you are safe and understand what is happening and you will be OK.
I have written a page of A4 widely spaced that covers the basics to cover the assessment requirement.
The below is the policy and statement that Top cat linked to with all references to multiple working removed and taking out headings and all the other unnecessary bumpf.
As you can see it becomes a very brief statement, however it does carry some responsibility.
Health and safety policy statement
My statement of general policy is:
- to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from work activities
- to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
- to ensure safe handling and use of substances;
- to obtain information, instruction and supervision where required
- to ensure adequate training and competence
- to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
- to maintain safe and healthy working conditions
- to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Review date
Health and safety at Work etc Act 1974
I am responsible for:
- Overall and final responsibility for health and safety
- Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice
- Health and safety standards continuous improvement
- Taking reasonable care of my own and others health and safety
- Risk assessment preparation, recording findings and implementing risk reduction
- Reviewing risk assessments annually or on a change in activity
- Purchasing, maintenance and inspection of all appropriate work equipment to ensure that it meets the required health and safety standards.
- Identifying, assessing and implementing COSHH assessments for all appropriate substances.
- Reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority and keeping records of non reportable accidents.
- Investigating accidents., sickness and health related issues to implement means of avoiding their recurrence.
I am competent in the tasks required for the company and records of my training courses are kept with the company, further training will be arranged as necessary.
I will ensure that policies, assessments and statements are updated as required or on an annual basis to reflect the needs of the business.