andy looking at your drawing again you havent put the stat on the back boiler Im just ponting this out just in case we get a back feed when the stat calls for pump #2 to come on so just to go through it again to have it clear in our heads two pumps on with ch1 and ch2 and the oil fired boiler pump #1 on with hw and the oil fired boiler pump #2to come on when the stat at the BACK boiler calls but that pump on only no back feeds to oil fired boiler or pump #1
Sorry vbryne, that has not cleared anything up.
Can you confirm that there is a total of 2 pumps on the system. Both to come on when ch1 or ch2 are demanding, but only one to come on when hot water only is demanding.
That is what I have drawn. For ease in understanding I have omitted other controls so that when my drawing says ch1 or hw this is the signnal from the zone valve after the programmer and any stats.
In my drawing pump 2 comes on with hw only, you can swap pump1 & pump2 if you want.