What I have been led to believe,when trying to comply with the building regs
Existing installations, where there are additions or even rewiring, where major renovation work has not been carried out
Switch + socket heights can match the original, as long as the contravention of the building reg is not made worse
The switches cannot go higher and the sockets cannot go lower than original heights
This was pretty much understanding too, the deviation from the "new" heights being allowed because of the existing sockets.
That said I thought you either had to put them at the same height or at the new height, not somewhere in between ;-)
I wish I could find the photograph I took of a relatives house. They had an electrician in a while ago to add two sockets in the lounge - the electrician insisted the new heights were law and they couldn't have them at the same height as the existing sockets - made for a very odd looking wall!