Hi Im currently working for a company wiring heating systems up I have had a Job Pulled up By a QS for the company we contract for
Saying it Failed due to Earth conductor being used as a live and seriously dangerous. Ill explain , I had to run a cable in for The Heating time clock and it was a fair run , I needed Live, Neutral, and 3 switch lives ,making 5. I used 1x 5 core flex as I thought that as the timer control was double insulated then I could Sleeve the earth with Brown sleeving and use it as one of the Switch lives. Am I wrong to do this?
Saying it Failed due to Earth conductor being used as a live and seriously dangerous. Ill explain , I had to run a cable in for The Heating time clock and it was a fair run , I needed Live, Neutral, and 3 switch lives ,making 5. I used 1x 5 core flex as I thought that as the timer control was double insulated then I could Sleeve the earth with Brown sleeving and use it as one of the Switch lives. Am I wrong to do this?