Par for the course.I think the customer has given me so duff information which has confused things.

The speed of the motor is determined by the number of poles and the supply frequency. It's very doubtful a re-winder would change the number of poles because a six pole motor requires a bigger stator to physically fit them in than a four pole motor.I was told that it used to run faster until the last electrician came in ..........The motor has been removed and rewound since then........maybe it was rewound differently to the original.
If the motor is bifurcated you can drop the belts from the pulley and rotate the blade by hand, this will give a basic indication if grease build-up is causing the blades to drag and causing a possible motor overload.also the fan unit is supposed to be cleaned regulary but this has not been carried out.
If the motor was overloaded and was running in 'slip' condition then the run current would be way over it's allowed maximum.Could the problems with speed be that the load is to much for the motor.
It's unlikely that the belts being too tight will cause electrical overload of the motor, this would however result in high bearing run temperatures leading to premature bearing failure.The belts are to tight
Motor overload is more likely to be caused by the blade angle being too steep or incorrect pulley ratios resulting in the blade rpm being too high.
Is it possible they installed the pulleys the wrong way around putting the larger pulley wheel on the motor shaft instead of the fan shaft??