hello everyone
I finish college in 2007 achived the 2330 level 2 & 3, bein working part time with a few different electricians buliding up my experince. now i take on jobs alone i feel confident of doing while i look for a permant job in a company. the problem im having is most jobs that i wana apply for ask for at least 2 refs. i can get one from a prev employer but cant get the other due to not bein in contact with them any more. any advice how i could over come this? also on my cv ive lefted it as bein employed as i have no idea how to write up an good cv stateing that im self employed. as you may of notice english ant my strongest of subjects.
Any advice with be much appreicated. Thank you in advance
I finish college in 2007 achived the 2330 level 2 & 3, bein working part time with a few different electricians buliding up my experince. now i take on jobs alone i feel confident of doing while i look for a permant job in a company. the problem im having is most jobs that i wana apply for ask for at least 2 refs. i can get one from a prev employer but cant get the other due to not bein in contact with them any more. any advice how i could over come this? also on my cv ive lefted it as bein employed as i have no idea how to write up an good cv stateing that im self employed. as you may of notice english ant my strongest of subjects.
Any advice with be much appreicated. Thank you in advance