Hi can anyone tell me a good distance learning training centre where I can learn the HNC in electrical engineering??
thanks james
thanks james
if you don't live in Scotland stick with Edexcel, as for the SQA being better, rubbish, if i remember correctly, the SQA covers more subjects in less detail, 12 units to Edexcels 10, (i have completed engineering HNCs with both and recommend Edexcel).someone told me that the SQA is better than the edxel version of the qualififcation, not sure how true this is?
The maths course is Unit 333, page 180 of the PDF in the link.
Hi Lenny, I'm thinking of doing the same HNC and will need to do the maths course aswell,
Is the maths course a "distance learning" one or do you have to attend in person?