Colin, as you have made us aware there have been some issues with the work carried out to DS3 and The Four Seasons. I am sending you a formal request to let “us” put right any works that you are not happy with, at “our” cost and at no extra cost to SYCOL. As we had no formal or detailed technical specification for either job, I find it hard to accept that the only explanation to the standard of our work is that its “****” in your words. There are some minor issues that are easily put right. With the right information from the start we would have never been in this position with you now. None of the items below, in my opinion, warrant being asked to leave site for.
So I am taking this opportunity to offer to put right any defects and any problems you may have with my work at no cost to you.
You have already started to put labour on the 3rd floor to rectify some of the issues, and I am querying the £170.00 per day per man you are trying to charge me. I have offered to put this right at no financial cost to yourselves, but you have so far refused.
In the phone conversation we had yesterday you had mentioned the following
Cable lengths, at no point have you or anyone else from SYCOL given us instruction to lengths. All points are wired to the drawings and there is enough cable to terminate at the point.
Shot firing, there is 3 short runs that require tidying up,
Cable tied to uni-strut, this is 1 tie which can be removed as it provides no support.
The twisted cables, these were done by the other “subbie” Matt and have nothing to do with us.
Cables run above pipes, there was only 3 times this happened, again an easy fix.
The use of ladder tray for cable support, this was given the OK by Nick on Four Seasons site, as was using uni-strut for short “hops”. Again this has only occurred twice on site and can be easily fixed.
Please feel free to call me to discuss any points or queries.