At present we are working with Awarding Bodies to determine a grade or outcome for this academic year. This process is complex as the outcomes and processes differ tremendously depending on the level, programme and Awarding Body involved. Currently the Awarding Bodies have stated that that for vocational qualifications should be placed in one of three baskets –Calculate, Adapt and Delay. Academic qualifications including A Levels and GCSEs will automatically be in the calculated.
We are writing to you to let you know that your qualification falls into the calculate basket. This means that teachers will calculate a score for you/your son/daughter based on the attendance and work submission, mocks examinations etc. demonstrated on or before March 20th. The Awarding Bodies refer to this level as “completion to a significant proportion”. This is viewed as submitted nearly all assignments or assessment, completed the majority of tests and held an attendance of above 70%. For the vast majority of students, they will have competed well above this mark and will therefore be automatically enrolled on to the next level or stage of their qualification.
If, however, there is cause for the grade to fall under this “completion to a significant proportion” threshold please be assured that we will contact you directly to discuss the situation and possible options and next steps.