Here's a few to be getting on with:
hole in back of box - IP integrity compromised
no o ring seals around enclosure screws
missing gasket
missing lid
SWA incorrectly terminated: armour not secured
sheathing does not fully enter enclosure
missing swa gland
missing swa cable clips
missing banjo
PVC cable not mechanically protected
PVC cable not clipped
PVC cable entry not water tight (should enter at bottom/back of enclosure)
earth connected to swa live
missing earth sleeving
3x undersized connectors used for cable size (they look like 5A)
not sure which is the feed: possible mismatched core sizes
box not mechanically secure: only two screws
The 6mm t+e is the incomer.
Top answers topquark, but you've missed the bare conductors into the term blocks on 5 out of the 6!
The lid was ok Des, it was the only thing that was correct on this basic connection box although a label stating "Only idiots may enter" would have been appropriate!