Thank you for liking my art ! I'm glad you took a look on it. But im really here for the electronics help, more than my art appreciation, so to be clear what are my intentions. I was a bit too open perhaps, in my description, but is the truth.
Would you like me to send you some new electronic components which might be difficult to obtain?
I have what I need, thank you very much for your thought. From curiosity, what you have in mind? Im not phishing for free stuff from anyone I dont know, only from my friends that I really know in reality.
We can enjoy working on this project, a creative work of art in itself. Any honest appreciation of what you have done so far shows how close you are to your desired solution.
I wished I would be closer to what I was originally envision.
Do you see those fragmented parts on the wings? Those are intentional there. I originally wanted to add a motorized mechanical assemble. When I get close with my hand to it, to OPEN !!! How cool is it? Right?
You see it?
Also, that white shape should be as PAINT thick, yes, 0.01mm thick. But... the leds and IC thickness, I had to compromise and it looks as it is today.
My next plan for it is to add a buzzer that will "tick" every time each lm3914 Led Pin is activated. I have no idea yet how to implement it over already so much jungle of wires is there already. That will be tricky, and I will have to make probably a separate signal amplifier for that buzzer alone. Pain in my as is what it is. Haha. But it will be glorious. That's what it counts.
Another more easy add on is a remote control. Thats why I asked you to continue with your IR development. Because this was planned from the start, even if you cant possibly believe me, but I tell you, it is true. Im speaking about it in my movies I made.
So ...thats it... of what I want more from it. Not that much really. Right?
You might want to research why my initial thought of using a non-inverting summing op amp circuit is a poor one; an inverting summing circuit is the right choice. (In my defence I am trying to remember electronics lectures from 40 years ago).
I am so rookie with opams ! I barely made a couple of circuits with it and all were tutorials or tests. I still have no practical idea where and how to use them. That is left to cover in detail for another time. Now I have to concentrate on this to finish, at least the remote to add and I can call it done after that.
I am partially, planning to integrate an opamp in this led wings circuit, but I can see it will complicate the hell out of it, and is already complicated as it is. I will see. If the opamp will work from only the positive to gnd rails, excepting the negative positive rail (-5V), then I will very much consider it. But I dont want to concentrate too much on it for the moment. I want to resolve the other problems first.
Thank you for your nice reply! It's a pleasure to talk to you.