The point I was alluding to in that explanation is that the author of it completely missed the point of how it works. He seems to think that if you cut the live wire the RCD will trip. Obviously every time you throw a switch off you are cutting the live wire. That's why I mentioned not making a cuppa if you have one of his RCD's protecting the kettle.

The whole point of an RCD is earth leakage detection. He failed to mention anything about that and as such renders explanation inaccurate.
Disinformation is really worse than no information because it can very easily lead to unsafe working practices by people working in good faith.
His basic idea of how it is wired is correct, but his theory is plain wrong. Where he mentions cutting the live wire he should have inserted connecting the live wire to earth by various means including some poor soul touching the live whilst they are earthed or a fault causing an earth leakage or maybe just cutting the cable and the blade making that connection. It doesn't matter which way it is done, but done it has to be.