Moog, I don't think they replace with monkeys all the time, some subbies are ok and are just trying to make a living. It is not easy getting a job on the books comparitively with subbie work.
Many subbies are well versed in all sorts of stuff, the ones that are cowboys are usually sent home quickly.
I agree most of the best sparks are subbies ,agencys arnt daft tho,yhey mix a couple of decent sparks in with a few less experianced ,i dont have a problem with that and can normally get another couple of pound out the agent to stay on the job, its lazy sparks i dont like,some are very good experianced tradesmen,but because there subbies they just dont give a ####,its an easy life being a subbie once your in with a few agengys ,it wouldnt suprise me if the guy getting redundancy has been targeted ,and the agent set up to poach the job ,thats the way it is now and has been for quite a long time
like i advised bane ,target an agent ,find a job you want to work on and ask him how much it will cost to get a start,simple