I have a job to do tomorrow where a unvented direct hot water cylinder was installed just over a year ago. Job came through as no hot water. Anyway I have been there and both immersions are scaled up and faulty so gonna replace them and fit a limescale inhibitor. At the moment its got both immetsions off the same 16amp circuit. Yes I know thats not right. This is in a flat where she has storage heaters. On the cu she has 2 main switches. One side doing econ 7 for the heaters and the other side doing the lights, power and immersions. Im going to run another supply from the cu to supply bottom immersion so she gets it cheap rate and the existing circuit will supply top immersion via a timer. Perfect as she has a full tank of hot water in the morning for bath and at night the top half of tank hot water for sink washing up and stuff (hence the timer so she can set what time its on and off). Question is if she decides she wants a bath at night or something then she will need to heat the full cylinder so how whats the best way to boast the bottom immersion if its only off of ecom 7??