Hi guys, I'm currently studying level 3 c&g 2330, and have my testing exam coming up very shortly. I was wondering if there was more than 1 way to test insulation resistance, and if so which is the most common because 1 of the lecturers told me: with the main isolator locked off, with the tester set to 500v,all 500v harmed disconnected, and all mcb's and switches on, at the bottom of the main isolator switch in the c.u probe between Line & neutral, then Line at same point to main earth bar, and finally Neutral at bottom of main isolator to main earth bar. Then when I was practicing testing at college the other day a different lecturer said I should: with all mcb's & switches on, probe between any mcb and main earth bar, any mcb and main neutral bar(terminal) and between earth and neutral bars. Now I am confused, can anybody shed some light please? One last point, if testing ins. res with tester set to 200 mega ohms and a reading that says (overange 1) what do I write in the test box, simply 200 mega ohms or is it >200 mega ohms.