Stop reading my threads, no others have problems, infact they give good answers and help.
I just get misunderstood all the time. Im not going to keep explain and justify myself every post over and over and over. I understand the theory they teach that in a classroom but in the real world no 1 explains how to fill out sheets
I don't have to put up with harasment, why should i
i'm entitled to use the site just like any 1 else
Who is in charge on this web site?, let them make decisions, not u, get them on the phone to me i have nothing to hide! and they will see my lvl of experience to judge
Please leave me alone.
Hum.... what you need to do is learn how to post properly thought out questions, along with how you aim to approach the "issue". By posting half baked tripe, you leave yourself wide open for ridicule. Plus, if you are still "learning" and meet the criteria of the learning area you would not be open to the world seeing your posts.