This is what I propose to do, if you think this will work.
1) Isolate the line at the CU for this circuit
2) Disconnect the line at the light (as that is accessible)
3) Disconnect all wires at both switches
That way, I have a segregated circuit, and then run the following IR tests (I was thinking to start on 250v so I don't accidentally make a hash of something I may have overlooked):
1) IR test between left hand yellow and left hand blue
2) IR test between left hand yellow and left hand red
3) IR test between left hand blue and left hand red
And then repeat the same tests at the right hand switch.
That way if a short circuit fault exists where I've coloured brown for example, it should show up on the test between yellow and blue at the left hand switch, but no other tests.
Or if a short circuit fault exists where I've marked green for example, (across yellow, blue and red) it should show on all tests on the right hand switch, and even the test on the left hand switch between blue and red, but it shouldn't show on tests on the left hand switch involving the yellow and blue/red.
I hope I've explained things alright, it's kind of tricky getting things down on paper but I am quite enjoying thinking about this - I do like trying to solve problems like this.
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