Hi all,
I was watching Adrian Daveys video on YouTube and he had this diagram drawn on the board. Made me think of a scenario I came across before when I had to second fix a flat with similar light circuit and the difference was I had a s/l with a feed at the first switch.
Looking at the diagram above, I understand that the grey was used as neutral to provide continuity between s/l and supply to form a circuit and then brown from s/l is your common. That’s clever and if I was first fixing a flat that’s how I would probably wire it. You have your neutrals at each point in the circuit to satisfy the regs recommendation too.
So what if you come across my scenario, you have a 3core, feed and a s/l at first switch? With blacks linked at intermediate sw and from each common, feed at L1 and s/l at L2 with their respective strappers, everything will work how it should but both intermediate and last switch won’t have neutrals.
Would you say it’s fine or come up with a different solution? I’m not a sure if I missed something but just wanted to clarify this in my mind. Is this a mistake/lack of experience on the first fixer’s side or just the norm?